Sunday 15 February 2009

Useless religion

If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. – James 1v26

 Useless religion. When we think of that we probably think of any number of pagan religions, non-Christian religions, or sometimes even those Christian ones that are not right where we are.

 Look at the context here though. If someone claims to be religious, but can’t control his tongue he is deceiving himself and his religion is useless. Not non-existent, not even false, but useless.

 How is it useless? Simple enough to see the answer. If we see someone who walks around talking about his faith, talking about the Lord, and trying to be a good witness, yet he can’t control his own tongue, how effective is he going to be?

 There is much more on the tongue coming in chapter two, but for the moment let’s dwell on our own tongues. Do they reflect the faith that we proclaim? Or do they reflect lying, gossip, backbiting, meanness, harshness, and crudeness that belie our faith? 

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