Sunday, 16 December 2007

Life and death

“And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.” - Romans 8v10

Obviously there are no two more opposite words than life and death. We talk about life and death decisions as though they were the momentous ones that would be rare and unusual. And yet, we as Christians make life and death decisions all the time.

Our body is death because of sin. The spirit, whether it be our spirit or the indwelling Holy Spirit is life. The difference is righteousness. We still have a choice. When we encounter a difficult or challenging situation we can choose to follow the flesh or the spirit. When we choose the flesh we are choosing to follow all that is dead. When we choice the spirit we choose all that is alive and vibrant.

No one is perfect. We all are going to make foolish and wicked individual decisions. Ye, those who live daily after the flesh give all indication that they have no life. All the indication are that the person whose life is fleshly is not really God’s.

Why do we so often choose death over life? What is the allure? What draws us back? I wish I had the answer. When we see it all laid out before choosing the flesh makes no sense at all.

Christ is me is manifest when I live after the spirit. May God strengthen me daily to choose life over death.

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