Sunday 25 August 2019

No offence

Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: - 2 Corinthians 6.3

I see a lot of things and hear a lot about how people need to stop being so sensitive so and that people should not be so easily offended. There is a lot of truth in that. It does seem that folks in general have become very thin skinned and almost anything we say can cause offence.

Saying that, I think we do need to be careful not to just ignore it and take advantage of it. It seems like some folks just thrive on causing offence and then making fun of the one who is offended.

That is not God’s way for His people. We ought to be striving to never cause offence. We surely can’t avoid ever causing offence, but our goal should be that we never willingly or knowingly offend another and that if we do cause on offence that we are quick to make it right.

No Christian should ever look for a chance to offend.In fact, if we know or suspect we are going to offend we need to do all we can do to avoid it.

Why is that? Because we we cause an offence our ministry it going to be hurt. The gospel itself may very well cause an offence as people are forced to face their sin, but our words and actions should never offend.

It is easy to pass the buck and blame the problem of offence on the offended and sure, sometimes people do choose to find offence. Shouldn’t we, as God people though, do all we can do to avoid giving them a reason to find offence?

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