Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” – John 3.1-3
You must be born again. Unless you are born again you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
What would you think if you were just to hear those words? If you didn’t know the context you might very well respond like Nicodemus did – ‘can a man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?’
I havent heard it in a while, but at one time those who had never heard of an evangelical Christians would ask ‘are you one of those ‘born agains’’? Being a ‘born again’ was almost on insult, but that was always a good chance to say, ‘yeah, I am a born again.’ As the conversation went on I would go on to explain what it meant to be a born again. That was always a good chance to tell people what it meant to be one and why it was so important. The simple answer is that if a person never has a spiritual birth they have no chance of a spiritual life. As one cannot have a physical life without a physical birth one cannot have a spiritual life unless one has spiritual birth. Two lives reaquire two births. As you can’t birth yourself physically you can’t birth yourself spiritually.
It’s a pretty simple truth – not birth, no life.
You must be born again.