Thursday 6 October 2016

Are the consolations of God too small?

Are the consolations of God too small for you,
And the word spoken gently with you?
Why does your heart carry you away,
And what do your eyes wink at,
That you turn your spirit against God,
And let such words go out of your mouth? – Job 15.11-13

Eliphaz again has some words of wisdom that, even though he is critical to Job, is a fair question.

Even though Job had been reminded of some great truths about the word of God he still would not believe. He still wallowed in his misery.

So Eliphaz asked him ‘are the consolations of the Lord too small’ for you? He expands the question with things like ‘why won’t you listen to words quietly spoken?’ ‘Why do you wink at the encouragement? Why do you turn your spirit against God? Why do you say such things?’

Though Job had a deep abiding faith the eventual deliverance of God he was struggling with the faith vs sight debate. He knew God was in control, but he couldn’t see it at the moment – so he struggled.

I can be like that. I have issues that I have to deal with just like Job. There are things I get anxious about even though God reminds me of and encourages me through His word. There are times, I am ashamed to say, when ‘the consolations of God are too small’ for me.

That’s a shame. It’s worse than that – it is sin when I allow my circumstances to cast doubt on God’s consolations.

May God give those of us who struggle in this area the strength to rest in His precious consolations.

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