Saturday 8 March 2014

Why we work

Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labour, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. – Ephesians 4.28

Let him that stole stop stealing. That seems simple enough, but there is all kinds of stealing. We can steal money from the till or shoplift or any number of things.

Then there is stealing songs and software and films online.

Then there is being less than honest on out taxes or government or paperwork.

Then there is not giving a full day’s works for a full day’s pay.

Just stop stealing.

But the thing I want to examine today is why? Why are we supposed to work?

Of course we have to buy the groceries and pay the bills and meet our obligations.

But there is something else there that we don't hear a whole lot about - why?

'So that you may have something to give him who has need.'

Once again we see the clear instruction that one of the key ministries of the church is to care for those who don't have. I wonder how many of us view our work as a way to meet the needs of the poor. I wonder if, as we log our hours, we think of those we are going to help. How often do we see our overtime hours or that little bit of extra income as a chance to help someone? 

Christ’s body has always helped those in need. In a lot of circles today that seems to have fallen by the wayside.

How many of us, me included, even think about how we can use our jobs to help others who have needs?

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