Wednesday 5 March 2014

Put on

Put on

and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. - Ephesians 4.23-24

It wouldn't be enough if all we did was to put of the old, dead, rotten, corrupt, stinking, powerless old man with all his influences if we did not replace it with something else.

And Paul tells us what to replace it with.

But first he gives us an important piece of information about what we do before we put anything on - 'be renewed in the spirit of your mind.'

That’s the same thing he told the church in Rome when he said 'don't be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.'  What we need before we need anything else is a new mind.

So we put off the old man, we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us by giving us the mind of Christ, and then we put on the new man.

The new man is God created. It is a man marked by righteousness and holiness.

The old man and the new man could not be more different. The old man was marked by corruption and deceitful lusts. The new man is marked by righteousness and holiness.

Which man better describes our lives? Which man better describes what goes on in the depths of our hearts? 

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