Sunday 23 March 2014

Giving thanks always for all things

giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, - Ephesians 5.20

It seems like we have to consider thanks a lot, doesn’t it? I wonder why God focuses so much on thanksgiving.

There is something required before we can be thankful. Thankfulness is based on contentment.

But there is something that precedes contentment. In order to be content there must be faith.

It goes like this.

If I trust God, I mean really trust that He loves me and wants what is best for me, then I have the confidence to know that what He gives me is for the best. If I really believe that then I learn that then I learn to be content. And, if I do that I can be thankful no mater what comes my way.

Giving thanks is a test of my faith.

I sure wish I had that sorted. I don't always give thanks for all things. When I do it indicates that I really don't have the faith to trust.

May God give me the faith to be thankful for everything that comes my way.  

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