Thursday, 13 March 2014

Walk in love

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. – Ephesians 5.2

Here is another example of Paul's walking instructions. Our walk is to be a walk of love.

We see a lot about love in the word of God. I think the reason we see it so much is because love is what is going to set us apart. In a world that seems out to take care of itself and where we look out for 'number one' it makes a difference when our walks are marked by love.

Walk in love means that love dominates all of our decisions and responses.

This love walk might sound at first like some kind of fluffy walk that doesn't have any kind of substance until we see that pattern of the love walk that ties into imitating Christ. What is the pattern and what is the goal of our love walk?

Walk in the way that Jesus walked when He loved us and gave Himself for us.
Walk in such a way that our lives send up a 'sweet smelling savour’ to God.

Is our walk a love walk? Does our walk reflect the self-giving sacrificial life of Christ? How does our love stack up to His? 

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