Saturday 9 August 2008

The un-understandable peace of God

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4v7

I just could not go on without one more comment about these verses. What is the result of replacing carefulness with thankfulness? If I can ever learn that lesson what will be the benefit?

Verse 7 has the answer – ‘and the peace of God, that passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’ There is not better occasion for Satan to attack than when we are loaded up with cares. When that happens my focus is already on me and my troubles, so it only makes sense that I am going to seek to gratify my flesh and use my own methods to deal with my cares. When that happens I always lose.

But what happens when I choose thankfulness instead of carefulness? When I start giving thanks my mindset changes. I begin to dwell in the goodness of God. When I start giving thanks I realise just how great God really is. Surely, when I think of God’s gift of salvation, I cannot but be humbled at His greatness instead of my woes.

Now, let’s take this thought a step further. When I begin to dwell on Him through thanksgiving I learn to live in His perfect peace. This peace is something that the world cannot understand. It is a peace that endures no matter what. When we have that peace our hearts and minds are guarded against Satan’s attacks. I don’t look to solve my anxieties my way, and because my focus is on the Him instead of me my heart and mind are guarded against fleshly actions.

We achieved peace with God at salvation – we achieve the peace of God when we learn to choose thankfulness instead of carefulness.

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