Sunday 31 August 2008


For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
– Colossians 3v3

I don’t think any one of us like the idea that we are dead. We all think, some where along the way, and maybe to varying degrees, that it really is all about me. Sometimes, we think, it has to be about me and what I want. Somehow, it has to be about my goals and my desires and my wants and doing what is best for me. Sometimes I just have to do what is best for me. I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit how often I have had to deal with that in my life.

I wish I could find some way to support that in scripture, but Colossians 3v3 could not be any blunter. We died. Dead, finished, kaput, gone, wiped out. There is no ‘me’ left to think about, I am hidden in Christ because I am dead in Him. There is Christ and there is my flesh – nothing else.

What does this mean? It means I really don’t matter. How can a dead man matter? Since I am dead, and since I am hidden with Christ, my affections should be in Him alone. My earthly surroundings should mean no more to me that a coffin means to a dead man. (I have always wondered why they make them so comfortable :snicker: )

It really is all about Christ. I am alive only in Him. Following Him means that I forgt about the ‘dead guy.’

May I always be reminded of the truth of my ‘deadness.’

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the imagery you used to illustrate this. You are not alone in struggling to resurrect 'the dead guy'.
God bless!