Saturday 23 February 2008

Not all things edify

All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. – 1 Corinthians 10v23

In reading a Christian discussion board, in reading emails that come into my inbox, in telephone conversations, in Christian publications, and in times of “fellowship” it seems like one topic keep coming up. In a very short time fellowship and discussion become fighting and dissent. I am finding that, at the end of the day, that the reason for this is that personal preferences have replaced scriptural injunctions. What counts is, “I am right.”

Much of the time these discussion have very little to do with scriptural teachings, but the carrying out of the Christian life. Issues that the word of God never addresses become issues of division. The dominant issue in Corinth was eating the meat that had been sacrificed to idols. Today it is personal standards, styles of worship, and such things.

Earlier we saw that we need to do those things that helpful. The cause of Christ is our focus. Our eyes need to be always on the cross. He Paul goes a step farther. The things we do should always edify, not tear down. This means sometimes I need to swallow my pride and my preferences and choose instead to edify another. That doesn’t mean that I have to give up my liberty by any means, but it does mean that in my freedom I seek to edify others, to build them up, to put them first, and to prefer them instead of me.

As I examine how I have dealt with others this week I have to ask myself, have I chosen to edify, or have I been so caught up in my liberty that I may have torn down instead.

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