Sunday 29 May 2005

The Lord Blessed Abraham

And Abraham was old, and well stricken in ages, and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.” - Genesis 24v1

We have travelled a long road with Abraham. From the time he stepped out by faith to leave family and friends in Ur to move to an unknown country, through Canaan and Egypt. We have seen him tested and tired. We have seen him blessed and honoured. We have his right decisions and his wrong decisions. We have seen that though he was a man of God he was far from perfect. At times he trusted God without fail,at other times he doubted God's ability to work. Sometimes he eve took matters into his own hands and always suffered the consequences.

In that regard, we are not a whole lot different that Abraham, are we? We have our own share of successes and failures. Sometimes we trust God implicitly, sometimes we fail in that regard. We make our share or wrong decisions and we make our share of mistakes. At times we trust our own flesh, wisdom, and abilities more than we trust God. How often do we choose to walk by sight instead of by faith.

There is no excuse for our actions when we act that way – none. Yet, we can take comfort in these words about Abraham, “The Lord blessed Abraham in all things.” How is that possible? How can God do that with a frail, sinful being?

The answer is simple - “And he believed in the LORD; and He accounted it to him for righteousness.” (Genesis 15v6) God's blessing on Abraham was not precipitated by his actions, it was based on the fact that Abraham believed God, and that was accounted to Him as righteousness.

Our actions are important. God expects us to live in a way which honours Him. When we get out of long He lovingly chastens us to keep us on track. Yet, we can trust that fact that God's blessings on our lives are based on the fact that we put our faith in Him.

Abraham's faith grew to the point that he was able to act properly even when God called on him to sacrifice his only and promised son.

God blessed Abraham in all things. God's blessings await us. Should we not live our lives in a way that we reflect His blessings on us?

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