Friday 24 January 2020

No corrupt communication

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. – Ephesians 4.29

Our words have great power and a powerful impact. Whoever said ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me was a liar. Words hurt far worse than ‘sticks and stones’ and do far more long lasting damage.

Yet it seems like the church has fallen right in line with the world in excelling in corrupting language. It is especially obvious now with social media making so much visible. We say things on Facebook we would never say in person. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth could well say let no corrupt communication proceed on your Twitter feed or in your Facebook posts.

Corrupt communication is anything that defiles or hurts. Communication can corrupt friendships and churches and homes and anywhere else we are involved with others and with a media like Facebook it spreads faster than ever.

Instead our communication, be it verbal, written or electronic should be used for edification, for support, for building up. Our communication should minister grace to those who hear it.

Think of it. What kind of mark could I make on this world if my communication was never corrupt, but always marked by grace and edification. What a force for good and for God I could be.

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