Wednesday 22 January 2020

Don't go to bed angry

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. – Ephesians 4.26-27

The Bible is the word of God – full stop. Every word is a gift from Him and our Bible would be incomplete without even a jot or a tittle.

But some words really stick out and make so much sense that that suit anyone, anytime, anywhere, in any circumstance.

This is one of those places where, if the verse is applied anywhere by anyone under any circumstance things would be better. This advice is not only good for believers – it would help no matter what.

When you are anger don’t let your anger become sin. Do not let the sun set on your anger. Nip it in the bud. Do it now.

One of the things Mary and I agreed at the start of our marriage was that we would apply this verse to our lives. Like anyone else we get angry and we have our rows, but thanks to God’s grace I don’t think we have ever gone to bed angry with each other.

Think about how different things would be if we refused to go to bed angry. Even if the person we are angry at doesn’t change we can choose to drop our anger and move on. It is up to us, by the grace of God, to choose not to go to bed angry and then follow through.

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