Friday 30 November 2018

No partiality

Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God is nor respecter of persons. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. – Acts 10.34-35

When Peter got to Antioch in directs answer to God’s call and with the memory of the clean and unclean vision still fresh on his mind he did what God had called him there to do. He preached.

He started his message with some amazing words – ‘I now know that God does not show partiality to any people. Anyone who obeys His word will be accepted by Him.

That can be a hard truth for us to deal with. It is hard to imagine being totally free of any kind of prejudice or bias  or preconceived notions, but God can and He does. Anyone outside of Christ is simply a sinner in need of Christ no matter their race or colour or creed or nationality or their particular sin.

Can you imagine if we saw the world that way? Can you you imagine if we could see the world through God’s eyes without bias or prejudice? What if we saw every non-believer as a soul who needed Jesus instead of a political foe or another religion or a particular sin or a national enemy.

We can only do that if we see men no longer according to the flesh but through eyes motivated and constrained by the love of Christ.

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