Saturday, 23 June 2018

I have seen your salvation

"Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word; For my eyes have seen Your salvation – Luke 2.29-30

Simeon and Anna are two people who bless me greatly. They were not related, as far as I know, but they were both older people who lived and worked the Temple. They were both faithful in their service. Simeon was a just and devout man who was waiting for the coming of Messiah. He was full of the Holy Spirit and God had told him that He would not die without seeing Messiah.

He is an old man know, surely he wondered at times if this promise was going to be fulfilled.

But now the day had come. The infant Messiah had come to the Temple. Salvation had arrived and Simeon could die in peace.

I love Simeon’s tenacity. He had a promise of God in his life and He stayed faithful. He is a challenge to me as I strive to faithfully wait on God to fulfil His promises. Just as sure as He came the first time He is coming again one day. May I be as faithful as Simeon as I await His return.

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