Monday 16 March 2015

He cares

casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. – 1 Peter 5.7

God talks about our cares and our worries a lot. He does that because we tend towards being care-some. We tend to be full of anxieties and fears and worries and frets and bothers. We tend to be ‘care-ful’ as the King James translation puts it in Philippians 4. 

When Jesus was on earth He called everyone with these words – ‘come to me everyone who is weighed down with burdens and I will give you rest.’ He knew that we would face cares and worries and burdens. He knew that our flesh could not handle it. He knew that we would think that we could handle it and if we could not the situation was un-handle-able. So, we would just load up on cares and burdens until we were full of them – careful. 

Paul specifies that instead of being care-ful we need to ‘by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let our request be made known to God’ and that when we do that ‘the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep our hearts and minds in Christ.’ 

Peter just says it flat out – ‘cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.’ I think my problem with that is simply a lack of faith – I just really can’t trust that He cares so  I keep carrying my cares with me. 

But there is no need for that. Jesus does care. He cared enough to go to the cross for me. And that’s a heap of care. 

So may we all be strengthened in our faith to trust Him enough to pass on our cares to Him. We do all we can do, and then we leave the rest of to Him so that we don’t get ourselves weighed down to the point that we can’t run the race He calls us to. 

Jesus can handle it. He asks us ot give it over to Him. Let’s trust Him enough to follow through

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