Sunday 8 January 2012

How the gold has become dim

How the gold has become dim! How changed thefine gold! The stones of the sanctuary are scattered at the head of every street. The precious stoned of Zion, Valuable as fine gold, How they are regarded as clay pots, The work of the hands of the potter! – Jeremiah 4v1-2

Yesterday gold was selling at $1,767.27 an ounce. That is an amazing price, even for gold. Gold has always had an appeal and ‘gold fever’has driven men to madness time after time throughout history.

Today we have people telling us that our only hope to survive the current economic woes is to buy gold. If we invest in gold they tell us we will be immune to the troubles that are coming. My big problem there is that gold cost $1,767.27 an ounce!

Laying that aside though we have to ask ourselves if gold is really the solution. Jerusalem must surely have felt that with all their gold and wealth they were safe and secure. From what I have read there was so much gold that city the city fairly glowed in the sunlight and could be seen for miles.

But trouble had come. The Babylonians had come and ravaged the city. As Jeremiah put it ‘How the gold has become dim! How changed is the fine gold. The precious stones are no better than clay pots.’

I think about the Celtic Tiger years here. There was evidence everywhere of wealth. Housing estates and shopping centres were being built everywhere. We looked like we were rich!

Now we have ghost estates and empty shells of what were going to be shopping centres. How the Celtic Tiger’s roar has changed into a whimper.

Gold was not Jerusalem’s salvation. The almighty euro was not our solution. Those things come and go. Jerusalem’s problems came because they forgot about God. Our problems come when we depend on anything but Him.

Even if I could afford to buy gold could I really depend on it? I know I can dependon our God!

Where should I place my trust? 

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