Monday 12 October 2009

Faith plus works

And Abraham said to his young men, "Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you." – Genesis 22v5

Abraham was made righteous by his faith. There was no work involved in his salvation.

Salvation is by faith, but that faith always works. Before God affirms His promises to Abraham He puts Abraham’s faith to the test.

‘Take the son you waited so long for up on the mountain and sacrifice him’ was God’s command.

How is that for a test of faith? From all indications though Abraham had finally learned his lesson. He doesn’t seem to bat an eye. He loads up the donkey and he and Isaac head out to obey God.

When they get to a certain point Abraham tells the servant to stay in place with the donkey and here we see the indication of Abraham’s faith. ‘Stay here with the donkey. The lad and I are going to worship and we will come back.’

He didn’t know how, but his faith told him that God would take care of the situation. Abraham’s faith worked. He proved his faith was real by simply obeying God.

He did go up to the mountain. He put Isaac on the altar and he pulled out his knife to sacrifice him. Only then did God intervene.

His faith worked – he believed God and he also obeyed God.

The same chapter that says, ‘For by grace you are saved through faith…not of works lest any man should boast,’ also tells us that we are ordained to do good works.

Abraham’s faith worked. True faith always does.

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