Wednesday 23 January 2008

Avoid them

“Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.” - Romans 16v17

After a letter which focuses so much on holy unity, on setting aside petty differences, and of being like-minded it is interesting to note that God puts something of a disclaimer on the letter.

Of all the sins and errors he could have dealt with, the one group that Paul says to avoid is “those who cause divisions and offences.” He then uses what we might think are very harsh words for those who cause divisions – “For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.”

What is the sin of these people? They are divisive men, who bring schisms to the body of Christ. They don’t serve Christ, the serve their own belly, and they deceive people with their “smooth” words.

This is not as easy as it might appear on the surface. The problem is that when a contentious issue arises it is always the other guy who is being divisive. I am the one standing for truth, he is dividing the body.

As I type this I must consider my own heart. There is an issue which is staying at the forefront of my mind. I am convinced that one side errs, that “they” have created a false teaching that is dividing the body of Christ. I am convinced that they have no Bible basis for their belief. I am convinced that they are deceiving people with their smooth words.

Fine, but if I choose to “avoid them” does that mean that I join in exacerbating the situation by adopting an agenda? Can I avoid them without ripping the seams even further? Is it my pride, and feeding my own belly that prompts me? How far do I go in confronting false teaching? Is it sometimes better to confront them only when their divisiveness affects me personally?

I don’t know. These are serious thoughts on which I need to dwell.

1 comment:

Scott Bandy said...

I wish I knew the answers to your questions. I struggle w/ the same questions mate!
