Wednesday 12 July 2006

My heart stands in awe of Your word

“Princes have persecuted me without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word.” - Psalms 119v161

“Awesome” is a word which is has meant a variety of things over the years. People use the word in a very light and trivial way. A few years ago it was the latest expression of exclamation for anything which interesting. It was a synonym for other faddish words like “cool,” “groovy,” and such.

It is a shame is some ways that the word has been cheapened so. The word was once reserved for things that truly inspired awe. God Himself is in every sense of the word an awesome God. His creation is also awesome. When we see His divine hand at work we should stand in awe of what He has done.

There is something else that is awesome to the psalmist in this passage. “My heart stands in awe of your word.” God’s word is truly awesome. Over and over God uses His awesome word to speak to our hearts and give us direction in the most difficult times. His word has the answer to every situation we face. We often take His word for granted when we should indeed stand in awe of its power.

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