Tuesday 18 July 2006

It is vain

“It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.” - Psalms 127v2

As a former terrible worrying insomniac I love this passage. God just lays it on the line for all those people who stay up late going over and over their problems and then get up early doing the same. There is only one reason that we do this – we are looking for the answers in all the wrong places.

God is so gracious to remind us over and over again that we need not fear and fret as we go about our tasks. “Casting all your care on Him,” “Be care-ful for nothing,” and numerous other passages remind us not to live lives that are full of worry and care.

God gives a wonderful promise here. We need not lose sleep over our problems. God will give us sleep if we will allow Him.

It is indeed a waste of time to stay up all night worrying and fretting – lets avail of the sleep God promises us.

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