Tuesday 18 June 2019

Love does not seek its own good

Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; - 1 Corinthians 13.5

Love does not seek its own. I think we could easily say that with the words ‘love is not selfish because it thinks of others first.’ True love seeks their good instead of our own.

That kind of flies in the face of modern society. Today’s world says that we ought to take care of number one and always come out on top. But that’s just human nature.

Jesus is the extreme example of love. His love for us certainly did not ‘seek His own.’ In fact He did not think that His divine place in heaven was something that He had to hold on to. Instead, He thought about us and our need and veiled His deity to become a servant in the form of a man.

I don’t always like to be moved out of my comfortable easy chair to hop up and go help someone by making an airport run ot giving someone a lift or running and errand or whatever. I am not really bothered by doing it, but sometimes I just don’t like being disturbed.

But then I think about Jesus. He was in the perfection and splendour of Heaven with His Heavenly Father and the angels. No death, no sin, no sorrow, no tears. He left all of that for the filth and squalor of an animals food trough and the evil of His sin cursed creation. He knew that at the end of His mission He would suffer at the ends of man and face a brutal death.

Why would be do that? Because love does not seek its own. Love seeks others.

If Jesus could do that, surely I can climb out of my recliner to go to help another. That is love.

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