Thursday 6 August 2015

Abraham stood before the Lord

And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the Lord. – Genesis 18.22

Sodom and Gomorrah were terrible places. The wickedness was abundant. The sexual immorality was rampant. God was ready to wipe out those cites and everyone in them because of their sin. The source of their sin was their pride and their pride led them to carry out whatever sin the wanted to do.

Everyone else looked away from the wrath to come.

But Abraham still stood before the Lord.

And why did he stand? He stood to plead with God on their behalf. He interceded for them. He begged God not to destroy the city if only ten righteous men could be found in the there.

Abraham reminds me of Moses here. Moses too interceded on the behalf of the people when God was going to pour out His wrath and wipe them all out. Here Abraham pleads with God and to spare the city even for a few righteous men.

And God agrees.

But the city is so wicked not even ten righteous men can be found.

I think the lesson is clear for us. No matter what else God wants us to be interceders. He wants is to be praying for others. It is too easy to get drawn into our own selfish prayers.

Lord help me to enter your throne room with the confidence that Jesus gives and once there help me to remember to intercede for others.

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