Tuesday 3 April 2012

Walk in the name of the Lord

"So I will strengthen them in the LORD, And they shall walk up and down in His name," Says the LORD. – Zechariah 10v12

Walking, of course, is synonymous with living. We talk about our ‘daily walk’ or our ‘Christian walk.’

The reason is because our walk is reflective of who we are. People tell me that I have a very unmistakeable walk. People who see me walking and know me know right away that it is me.

In real life to our walk reflects who we are. The Bible tells us to walk in several ways. Walk by faith not by sight. Walk circumspectly. Walk in wisdom. Walk in the light, and so on and so on.

As part of the final great victory one day God will strengthen us to always walk up and down the streets in full confidence of His name.  One day we will all walk up and down in His kingdom and in His name.

In the meantime we can still reflect the Lord’s name as we walk today. As we walk in love and in the light and in wisdom and by faith we reflect the Lord to those around us.

Let’s walk in such a way that everyone knows who we belong to.

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