Friday 27 April 2012

Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. – Matthew 5v9

Peacemaking can be the furthest thing from some people’s minds. We can get so busy ‘contending for the faith’ that we forget all about making peace. Our culture has, for a long time, honoured and exalted the violent. Our heroes tend to be the warriors and generals. We when we watch sport, not unlike the Romans, the stars are often the most violent players on the field. War is seen almost as a sport. The sad thing is that many Christians get caught in the same trap of extoling violence, combat, and fighting.

Sure, there are times when we must stand and there are times when we must fight. The word of God acknowledges that.

But this exalting and glorification of violence is not in line with God’s plan. God has a plan more based on peace. Jesus set the example when He said ‘My peace I leave to you.’ One of the qualifications of a pastor is that he is ‘not a brawler.’ We are instructed in the book of Hebrews to ‘seek peace with all men.’ I think it is obvious that seeking peace is God’s plan for us. In fact, this verse tells us that the children of God are indeed peacemakers.

How do you and I measure up as peacemakers? Do we seek peace first, or as a last resort?

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are the children of God.

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