Monday, 21 February 2011

Pure words v bold words

The words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times. – Psalm 12v6

I like some of the subtle differences that come with living in another English speaking country. We don’t quite speak the same language that we left in the US. For example, we use the term ‘bold words’ to describe curse words or off colour language. We teach children not to use bold words and I even use the term to deal with teenagers.

The problem is that ‘bold words’ are far too often the norm. I work with some teens on a pretty regular basis and every other word out of their mouths are often bold words. This kind of language is not permitted in that place, but it is still there. When I confront them with it I get the typical response (and I wish I could type in the accent), ‘Sorry Roger, I can’t help it.’

If the truth were to be known I am somewhat sympathetic because chances are that is all they do know. That is all many of them hear at home and among their friends. Those words come out of their mouths because that is the language they have learned.

Sadly, with constant exposure to those words it is easy enough to get them in our heads and we need to guard our lips to keep them under control. These crude words with their coarseness and worldly attachments would do nothing to help our testimony. Our speech is often a determining factor in showing the world a difference in God’s people.

But there is a way to solve the problem. We are told here that the ‘words of the Lord are pure words…’ Since these words are pure words, tried by God in the fire, they are the words that should fill and control our minds. These are the words that should live in our heads and pour out of our lips. These are the words that will really make a difference.

So how do we get them into our heads? How do we make sure that pure words dwell there?

It is really pretty simple. We need to make sure that we spend time in God’s word. We need to meditate and memorise the pure words so that they can displace the bold words.

We are going to be exposed to the bold words. We must choose to expand our exposure to the pure words so that they win what has been called ‘the battle for our minds.’

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