Friday 28 January 2011

I didn’t have a clue

You asked, “Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. – Job 42v3

I love my grandchildren. There are all special and they all have their own wonderful personalities. Morgann, our oldest, is seven. I don’t know where she got it, but she is one of those amazing children who is very much in charge and who knows the solution that comes up. She is a problem solver and often beats adults to the punch when coming up with an answer.

There is only one problem. She is seven, with all of the experience and life skills that come with being a seven year old. As well intentioned as she is, she doesn’t always know all of the ramifications of her solutions.

We often are like Morgann. We see a problem and we think we know the answer. Job certainly did and his friends were no better. Behind the scenes there were great things going on that Job did not understand. They were far too wonderful for him to grasp.

So Job replied the only way he could – ‘I didn’t know what I was talking about.’

I wish I could grasp this in the middle of a problem instead of afterwards. I am one of those who can, if I am not careful, speak without thinking. I get myself in trouble that way.

Oh that I could only see beyond the circumstances to the One who is behind it all. If I could train myself to look into His loving eyes instead of the struggles in between it would make my life so much simpler.

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