Wednesday 19 August 2009

No sun or moon

The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, a for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. - Revelation 21v23

Ever since the very beginning of time we have been dependant on the sun and moon. The sun to rule by day and the moon and stars to rule the night. Every morning the sun rises in theveast and every night it sets in the west. Once about every four weeks the moon goes around the earth. A lot changes, but the sun and moon keep on keeping on.

Why? The sun and moon have continued on because we need the light. Without them we would be totally lost.

In New Jerusalem though we will no longer need the sun and the moon. There are not part of the new creation.

The reason is that we will have perfect Light. God is light and in Him there is darkness, at all. Today light is not perfect. There are shadows and dark corners where the light cannot penetrate. In the darkness it is easy for sins and wrongs to go unchecked.

One day, when The Lamb is The Light we will no longer have to fear the perils of darkness.

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