Monday 10 August 2009

The Book of Life

And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. – Revelation 20v15

I love books. I always have. Though my library is small, only about 700 volumes, I really do like it. My favourite book is ‘Robinson Crusoe’ and I think I have 4, maybe 5, copies of it.

Books are important to God. He gave us His word in a book. Even if we read it now on a computer screen or a portable device of some sort, it is still a book in a different form. Praise God His word is in a book, that way we can read and use it any time we want.

But there is another set of books. As we look into heaven here is Revelation we see the Book of Life, and ‘other books.’ I don’t know what those other books are, and I am not going to speculate on them. I guess that the most important book of all alongside the Bible is this Book of Life. Folks have speculated if the book starts out blank and names are added as people get saved or whether everyone born is entered there and names are wiped out if the person does not get saved. I have my own point of view, but that is not the issue here.

The issue for the Book of Life is that anyone whose name is not written down there will be cast into the Lake of Fire to face eternal suffering. Folks on earth are always trying to make a name for themselves here, but most forget that there is only one place where it is important that our names are written down. Most of our names are never going to be recorded in books. Most of us will never even be in newspapers or magazines. That doesn’t really matter though does it? The only thing that really matters is if our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. That only happens when we accept Him as saviour and seek His forgiveness of our sins.

I am grateful that my name is recorded in the one Book that really counts!

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