Paul and Silas were persistent. Even in the face of great opposition they kept on going. For three months they were in the synagogue reasoning and persuading the people. Some of the hearers had hardened hearts and refused to listen. These spoke evil of the Way and caused great opposition so Paul and Silas moved on.
For two years, we read, they continued despite the opposition.
As a result ‘all who dwelt in Asia’ heard the word of the Lord, Jews and Greeks. I am not sure that this meant that every single person heard the gospel. I suspect that it means that because of the efforts the gospel was so well known that everyone had access to to it. ‘Everyone’ in the sense we hear it said often today, had heard about Christ.
Isn’t that amazing. In just two short years, because of the preaching and witness everybody in this region had a chance to hear. The gospel was well known.
I have to say that makes me ashamed. I live in a town of about 25,000 people. I have been here in this town for over twenty years. I have to admit that not everyone is Naas has heard the word of the Lord because of me and my witness. I can’t say that everyone in my neighbourhood has heard about Jesus.
God give me the fervour and the devotion and diligence that these early Christians had in order to reach my town.