Sunday 12 July 2015

Very good

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. – Genesis 1.31

God was done creating. Everything was just right. It was very good.

As beautiful as some of the sights in Ireland are today I cannot even begin to imagine what the pre-sin earth looked like. There was nothing wrong with anything. It was indeed paradise. It was the utopia that people yearn for and right books about today. This was the world in its unbroken state. It was good, indeed it was very good, because the God who created it is good.

So something had to mess it up – because there is not much good left today. The broken state to our current world is more and more obvious every day. That is not what God wanted for us. He made the world so good that it was the perfect environment. He wanted humanity to have the perfect world to live in.

But very good was not good enough for man. He wanted more – and we haven’t changed since then.

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