Wednesday, 8 July 2015

God created

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. – Genesis 1.1-2

In the beginning God created…

Of all the things I wonder about and puzzle about had really have to exercise faith about one that never have to do that with is Creation.  To me that is the only possible explanation for what we have today. Even if I were to accept theistic evolution and long day creation, which I don’t, I would still say that at the root of all this there must be Someone who designed it and set it all in place. Nothing else makes any sense to me. Even if I go a step further and accept a total view of a big bang and evolution, where did the stuff for the big bang come from? Who made the stuff that ‘banged?’

But God was much more involved than just organising a bang. He was much more involved than just setting the clockworks in motion and stepping. He created the heaven and the earth and then He proceeded to fill it.

He filled with perfect and intricate design. He created it with life and sounds and colour. His design is seen in the finest details of the tiniest particle and is seen in the vastness of the universe. His design is seen in the miraculous development of a baby in the womb.

God created ex nihilo. He didn’t need a petri dish of chemicals or cells, God spoke and it happened. It is just that simple.

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