Tuesday 11 February 2014

One new man

For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace - Ephesians 2.14-15

For centuries the Jews had perceived a division. Any Gentiles who came into contact with them also were fully aware of the division. Jews and Gentiles didn't mix. The early church had to deal with the question of whether or not Gentiles could even be saved without becoming Jews first. 

That kind of division didn't suddenly end in the 1st century. Divisions continued on and continue on today. Sometimes those divisions, just as they did for the Jews and Gentiles, resulted in conflict. No matter how hard man has tried he has not been able to find unity. Every attempt at world unity failed simply because we are all different and we all have own own goals and desires and preferences. 

Time after time man has tried to find peace, and time after time he has failed. 

But there is hope for peace, real peace, abiding peace among men. That hope for peace only comes from the Prince of Peace.  Sure, He brought peace between God and man, but He also brought peace between man and man in Christ. 

He made peace between Jews and Gentiles. That was a giant step. It proves that He can provide peace between any groups of believers becaase He as made us one new man. 

That means no more Yankees and Southerners. It means no more Prods or Tadhgs. It means no more blacks or whites. It means no more travellers or settled. In Christ we find peace and in Christ we become one new man. 

One new man. That is God's plan. When are we going to learn to get out of the way?

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