Tuesday 16 April 2013

Good showed His love

For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5.7-8

Romans 5.8 is one if those verses that ought to be part and parcel of every believers arsenal. God showed his love to us, in that while we were still singers Christ died for us.

What an amazing truth. We didn't have to reform before he loved us. We didn't have to please Him before He would die for us.

A lot of folks think they are too bad for God to save. They think that it is obvious that Jesus may have died for the good people, there is no way He died for them. ‘You don’t know what have done!’ they might claim. ‘I have done terrible things – there is no way that Jesus would die for me!’

But that’s not how it works. Jesus died for the ungodly He proved His love when He died on Calvary. Greater love has no man this, then a man like down his life for his friend indeed, but Jesus’ love was so great that he laid down His life for His enemies.

‘Amazing love. How can it be? That thou my God should die for me?’

‘Here is love vast as the ocean. Loving-kindness as a flood.’

God didn’t just say He loved us. He proved it when Jesus died for our sins.

We can’t be good enough to earn His love. He died for us while we were at our worst.

I am so glad that Jesus loved me – when I was still in my sin. Otherwise there would have been no hope. 

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