Wednesday 19 December 2012

Were baptised

Then those who gladly received his word were baptised; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. – Acts 2.41

I don’t talk about specific doctrine much here. I think church is a much better place for that. But this verse just grabbed me today.  I think I like it so much because it helps believers of today identify with our brothers and sisters in Christ at the very beginning of the church.
I realise that I am a Baptist. But more than that – much more than that – I am a Christian. I like the fact that when these people heard Peter’s message, accepted it, and were saved they followed the Lord in baptism. This happened long before there were Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, or any other group. It was simple, those who received his word were baptised.

And the wonderful thing is that we identify with Christ and with His body when we follow Him in baptism.

It makes me sad when believers don’t follow the Lord in baptism, not because I am a Baptist, but because they miss the blessing of being obedient to Christ and they miss the blessing of almost 2000 years of fellowship with the rest of His body.

My brothers and sisters have been ridiculed, suffered, and even died over believer’s baptism. May I always hold my baptism as precious as they did and strive to live in a way that honours my Lord and the rest of His body. 

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