Wednesday 22 September 2010

Let the Lord do what is good

Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the LORD do what is good in His sight." – 1 Chronicles 19v13

Joab and Abishai were facing the mighty Syrian and Ammonite armies. They met together, set out their battle plans, agreed to help each other, and then moved forward.

Before they did so however they had an important point of agreement. Before they set out they agreed that they would trust the Lord to do what was ‘right in His eyes.’

I really am blessed by this whole picture here. They had a job to do. They had an enemy to face. They did not just charge off into battle. Instead they made battle plans, came up with a contingency, and then they left the results with God.

I think we have a picture here of the balance between trusting God and being responsible. Both are necessary. We do what we can do and leave the rest with Him trusting Him to do what He knows best.

What a blessing we could learn to experience if we could learn to trust God in this way. We don’t ‘just pray and go.’ We do all we know what is right to do, then we leave the rest to God and allow Him to what is good in His sight. The scary part is that what is good in His sight is not always what is good in our sight.

That’s where we learn how much faith we really have.

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