Sunday 3 January 2010

Take heed to yourself

Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst. - Exodus 34v12

Serving God and staying true to Him is not a one way street. Yes God told Israel that He would do an awesome work among them, but at the same time they had something they had to do as well.

‘Take heed to yourselves,’ God told them. Later on He told the nation about the same thing through Haggai when He said ‘consider your ways.’

Here God’s warns them about covenanting themselves with the world. People do not change, covenanting with the world is as much a problem for us today as it was for the nation of Israel. We go out into the world with all of its temptations and allurements and draws and amusements and if we are not careful we make our home in Vanity Fair.

God’s warning is as clear today as it was then. Take heed to yourself. Don’t covenant yourself with the world. It will be a snare of destruction.

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