Wednesday, 11 November 2009

In whom is the Spirit of God

And Pharaoh said to his servants, ‘Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?’ – Genesis 41v38

By this time Joseph was thirty years old. He had been sold by his brothers, falsely accused of rape while a slave, imprisoned, and forgotten by people he had known. Finally things started to turn around, and when they did it happened in a major way.

After he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream it was obvious to all that his power was from God because the Holy Spirit was with Joseph. I am challenged by this because I wonder if people could say the same thing about me. When I meet people do they think something like, ‘That Roger is a decent chap,’ (at least I hope I get that much), or, ‘That Roger really does know God.’

The lesson for today though is based on Joseph’s reward for his diligent character. He just kept doing right, regardless of place or circumstance. He just kept at it despite being lied about and forgotten.

Joseph knew a principle long before it became a part of the written scriptures. Don’t be weary in doing right because eventually you will reap the benefits if you don’t quit.

It is unlikely that any one of us will ever be elevated to a powerful position like Joseph. We may never even see any kind of dramatic results on earth like Joseph. We may not have our position until we reign with Christ.

Walk like Joseph did, controlled by the Spirit of God, and one day we too will be lifted up.

1 comment:

Candi said...

I hope this is true of me - that people see that I know and love God.