Tuesday, 1 September 2009

God created the heavens and the earth

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1v1

Andrew Peterson sings folk music with a Christian slant. I enjoy it. It is quiet, peaceful, relaxing, and greatly thought provoking. One of his CDs is called ‘Love and Thunder.’ The first song on the CD is about the faith of Sarah and Abraham. It speaks of faith and of the truth that God is in control. The last song on the CD speaks of the truth when it is all sad and done, love will still be left. The interesting thing is that at the very end of the last song he ties in the theme of the first song. It is an intriguing tool to tie the whole CD together.

I was reminded of that CD this morning as I returned to Genesis. The last section of Revelation speaks of the new heaven and new earth. As I read through that I was amazed at the similarity to the first heaven and first earth. The theme of the very end ties right back into the very beginning.

‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ There is a lot packed right into that simple phrase. It deals with the whole question of origins. In the beginning God was already there. Eternality is hard to grasp because we don’t live in that realm. God’s presence is not debated or discussed. He was just ‘there.’ Take it or leave it, believe it or not, He is just there.

God created the heavens and the earth. That answers all the questions. If we can’t trust the very first sentence in the Bible how can we trust the rest? If we can’t trust this first line we might as well throw all the rest of it away because the Bible is based on one big, fat lie. If we can’t trust Genesis 1v1 how can we trust Revelation 22v20,21?

Like Peterson’s CD the whole package ties together. The end sends us right back to the beginning. Unlike Peterson’s CD, where I can pick and choose the songs I want to listen to, the Bible is the whole package. I can’t just grab what I like and reject the rest.

My reaction to the rest of the Bible is based on a simple question; do I have the faith to trust the very foundation?

1 comment:

Candi said...

Good point on how God ties it all together for us! You reference to Andrew music also reminded me of a Chris Rice song: "It was love that set this fragile planet rolling/ Tilting at our perfect twenty-three/Molecules and men infused with holy/Finding our way around the galaxy/And Paradise has up and flown away for now/But hope still breathes and truth is always true/
And just when we think it's almost over/Love has the final move.

Truth IS always true. His love started it all!