Sunday 6 April 2008

God is my co-worker

We then, as workers together with Him … - 2 Corinthians 6v1

A few years ago, well I guess it has been decades now, there was a popular bumper sticker that boldly proclaimed – “God is my co-pilot.” Some, I am sure well minded, Christians had that remade into a sticker that said the same thing with “co” crossed out so that it read “God is my pilot.” If I were designing a new bumper sticker today I think I would use the phrase – “God is my co-worker.”

I had seen this phrase before, but I was stopped cold when I saw it this morning. Paul is preparing to talk about our Christian service and he almost seems to throw in this little phrase- “We are workers together with God.” In some kind of miraculous partnership we are permitted to work side by side with God who is still over and above all. I can’t get my head around that, but there it is – God is my co-worker, or maybe – “I am God’s co-worker.”

In the vast majority of jobs I have had one of the benefits was going to work to spend time with my co-workers. I like the people I teach with at Youthreach. I like being around them. We were tremendously blessed two years ago when God sent co-workers for the ministry here. The Bandy family have changed the entire perspective of the work here. I would never demean the importance of human co-workers. Yet, they are times when all of us let our co-workers down. Sometimes they have to cover for us or do part of our job.

The wonderful thing about having God as a co-worker is that though many times He covers for me when I fail; I never have to cover for Him because He never fails! He never leaves a task undone.

Praise God that I am a co-worker with Him!

1 comment:

Scott Bandy said...

Amen. Good blog thought!
