Sunday 17 September 2006

Rock of Ages

“Trust ye in the LORD forever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:” - Isaiah 26v4

Verse after verse, chapter after chapter, the statements about God’s wrath and God’s judgement goes on and on. All we see if the wrath of God on wicked, sinful people. Finally it seems, at the end of chapter 24 God’s pours out His final judgement. Chapter 25 is a song of praise for God’s perfect judgement and then chapter 26 is a future song of salvation that will be heard.

Isaiah 26v4 is a verse of blessed assurance. “Trust in the LORD forever.” Sounds great doesn’t it. But its not always easy. I was talking to Morgann this morning and she told me she was talking to God when she went to bed last not. She told me though, “Sometimes its hard because He doesn’t answer.” Profound words from a three year old! We, of course, would never say anything like that. How do we trust God even when it seems like He doesn’t answer?

The rest of the verse has the answer – “JAH JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.” We can trust Him no matter what because He is our everlasting strength. Literally our “rock that endures forever.” We can keep going to Him because He never changes. He is always our strength even when we can’t necessarily sense it. It is indeed a step of faith the trust Him as our strength in the midst of trials, yet we are told to keep on trusting Him. It is worth it all; He is our Rock of Ages – even when He doesn’t seem to answer.

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