Wednesday 23 August 2006

Actions have consequences

“Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.” - Proverbs 26v27

I recently saw and ad on the telly for a programme about two parents who allowed their children to do whatever they wanted without repercussions. The mother was nursing three children aged 8, 6, and a toddler. The children were allowed to curse their parents, wreck the house, and use the toilet wherever and whenever they wanted and the parents would clean up the mess. They felt like this would allow the children to develop their true personalities.

The problem is that this is not how the world works. In spite of what the world seems to be saying actions do have consequences. If you dig a pit, you will fall in. If you start rolling a stone eventually it is going to roll back on you. We cannot act with impunity and arrogance. What goes around comes around. You play with fire you are going to get burnt. Even the world has its little sayings for the same truth.

We must always remember that there are consequences for our actions.

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