Thursday 27 April 2006

I know that You can do anything

“I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withheld from thee.” - Job 42v2

After God confronted Job with more agreements showing his power and Job’s weakness Job expressed the deep rooted if hidden faith that was his sustaining power through all of the troubles. Even if the midst of his doubts and questions Job still had a deep-rooted faith which he expressed with these words – “I know that you can do anything and nothing can be hidden from you.”

God is going to do exactly what He wants to do, the way He wants to do it, and when He wants to do it. Nothing is going to stop Him.

Does this mean that I view God as some kind of tyrant or dictator? No it means that I trust Him to do what is ultimately what is best for His eternal plan and should rejoice that I am being used to glorify Him

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