Friday 25 November 2005

Samuel grew in favour with God and men

“And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men.” – 1 Samuel 2v26

Interspersed with all the negative comments about Eli’s sons we read about the growth and development of Samuel. Bad news mixed with good news.

Here we find a verse even more reminiscent of Luke 2v52. There were a couple of key elements that apply to us, both Samuel and Jesus grew “in favour with God and man.”

These are two key elements of growth. Social and spiritual growths are both vital aspects of life. As Christians all of our lives we should focus on growing spiritually and socially. Those of us who have been saved for a while should be able to look back and see real and visible growth in both of these areas. The Christian life is to always be one of growth, not going backward or even staying the same.

May we emulate Samuel and be always growing in favour with God and man.

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