Tuesday 22 November 2005

The child served the Lord

“And Elkanah went to Ramah to his house. And the child did minister unto the LORD before Eli the priest.” – 1 Samuel 2v11

There are times when we are tempted to consider work with children to be some how second rate, or not as important as working with adults. Children’s ministries can be seen as something anyone can do, not like working with adults.

Here we have Samuel in the Temple. His mom and dad have returned home. Samuel is left to live in the Temple with Eli and we read, “The child did minister unto the Lord…” The word means that he waited on and served God, even as a child.

No child is small in God’s sight. Service for our Lord should start in childhood, and their service should be seen as important. May we never take the service of children for granted.

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