Sunday 23 October 2005

We will serve the Lord

“…as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24v15b

Here is Joshua’s response to the choices he mentioned earlier in the verse, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua made it clear and simple. No questions asked, no real debate, no depending on circumstances, just a plain and simple “we will serve the Lord.” We know from other places that this is a serious decision. The Bible says that we cannot serve two masters; we cannot follow God and the world. When Joshua said that he and his family would serve God he was forsaking all other masters in order to do so.

It is far too easy to make our decisions circumstantial. If things go well, or if I will not be rejected, or if it won’t cost too much we will serve the Lord. Joshua took none of this into account. He simply said, “We will serve the Lord.”

How do you stand today? Can you say with an open and sincere heart that you will serve the Lord come what may?

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