Tuesday 9 December 2014

Pursue peace

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:  - Hebrews 12.14

It is pretty clear from even a cursory reading of the New Testament that believers are to be people of peace. Part of the adulation of the angels announcing Christ’s birth were the words ‘peace on earth goodwill toward men.’  

Peace out to be one of our great motivations. Sadly it seems like a lot if Christians are quicker to fight than to find peace. This of course is in contrast to Jesus teaching of ‘blessed are the peacemakers.’ Christians find all kinds of things to fight about. I’ve seen Christians fight over the colour of the carpet or the closing of a car park entrance, and and a bunch of other stupid stuff. It is of course vital that we stand for the faith – but even that doesn’t need to be done in an ugly vicious manner. Even then our desire should be to bring truth – not conflict. 

It can be a difficult balance, but this passage I think helps us to find it. 

Follow peace with all men – but don’t sacrifice holiness. If peace involves sacrificing holiness we must be able to take a stand. 

But it looks pretty obvious that peace is our goal. Follow peace with ALL men. Don’t sacrifice holiness – but still pursue peace. 

Blessed are the peacemakers. 

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