Tuesday 12 October 2010

His heart took delight

And his heart took delight in the ways of the LORD; moreover he removed the high places and wooden images from Judah. – 2 Chronicles 17v6

Jehoshaphat was Asa’a son and became king after Asa died. The first thing he did was to set up his military defences, then he turned to setting things right with God. He did all the right stuff. He walked in the ways of David. He sought the Lord. He walked according to God’s commandments. Then this verse tells us why he did all that.

Jehoshaphat delighted in the Lord. His service was the ‘want to’ kind of service instead of the ‘have to’ kind of service. I think most of us who are honest will admit that sometimes our service can be the ‘have to’ kind. I do things, not because I delight in them, but because I feel like I have to do them.

We are never going to be perfect. There are going to be times when we just have to pick ourselves up and do the right thing. But if that is how we always serve there is something wrong with our walk with the Lord.

I want to be motivated because I delight in the Lord. I don’t want to serve because I fear repercussions or because I am a pastor or because of what some man might say. I want my service to be based because I love the Lord and delight in Him.

God give me a ‘want to ‘ kind of service.

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